Christians, You’re Sexual Sin is Catching Up with You – or How to be Thrown Out of a Men’s Conference.

Where do I even start? We have been in bed with the world and its ideology of sexual sin for so long, we don’t even recognize when Satan and his demons stand in front of us.

And if you somehow do recognize sexual ungodliness and call it out, you get thrown out of a men’s conference. Even if you’re an invited guest.

Pole dancing. Yes, pole dancing. As a Christian, what do you equate with that?

My first thought is of strippers in a bar. Pole dancing. What else? Prostitution and human trafficking. Now maybe it’s because I worked with an anti-trafficking group for eight years, and heard from some trafficking victims how they were forced to pole dance, lap dance, and engage in prostitution. That’s before sex trafficking became widely known and believed. A hard road to go down when Christians wouldn’t even believe it was happening, especially not is America. Oh, yes, especially in America. We’re the number one consumers because we’ve become so sexually cognizant of and aware of every type of sexual sin.

A psychologist I know said he treats more Christians having affairs than he does non-Christians, and many of them are pastors or youth pastors or leaders in their church.

I remember when I worked at a Florida pregnancy center and talked with a young couple moving to Colorado. They weren’t married, but she was pregnant. They weren’t going to have an abortion, but they had to leave the state before anyone knew. Because see, she was a youth pastor, and he was a youth pastor, but from different churches. And they did not want anyone to know. What do you teach your students about sex, I asked them. They both looked ashamed and stuttered around their answers. How do we expect our children to do right, when we don’t?

So back to being thrown out of the men’s conference. Here at this Christian gathering, according to the article I read (the one I’ll leave a link to at the bottom of the page), the first thing on the agenda was a man from “America’s Got Talent” doing some kind of entertainment in a leather outfit, the top of which he ripped off before performing acrobatic moves on a pole. Now, reading this, do you see anything wrong with a man in leather, stripping off his shirt and doing some kind of pole dance? I do! It only takes about a minute or two for anyone with discernment to realize this is not godly entertainment and has no place at a Christian men – or women’s – conference.

And for the leadership there, the pastor in charge, not to have stopped it early on, to apologize to that whole conference of men, is startling! Instead when Mark Driscoll got to the stage and brought up the ungodly spirit that had boldly shown itself, he was condemned by the pastor and told to leave.

I praise God for men like Mark Driscoll. Now I know he’s had some problems in his ministry. But I’m saying right then, at that time, he stepped boldly out and rebuked the spirit that was trying to come into that conference. When he left, I hope many of the men walked out with him.

When are we, as Christians, going to wake up to our ungodliness when it comes to sex? What do you watch in the movies, on your TV? What do you read? How stimulating is it? Should it be? What are your teenagers and those younger children watching with you? What are they learning?

Return unto me, the Lord says, and I will return unto you. James 4:8 KJV says, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”

You know what’s wrong with America? It’s not our politicians. It’s us!!! We – God’s people – have to turn from our wicked ways before the Lord will heal our land.

Stop now and pray. Ask God to show you truth and show you what you need to do to begin to step forward, away from sin, and toward him.

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