About Me

Linda 2016

Born and raised in Florida, Linda loves the salt water,  the sun and the swamp lands there. Now living in Tennessee, she is loving the mountains and the leaf changes and being able to say Merry Christmas in the Bible belt! 

Linda has always loved reading—especially mysteries and romantic suspense novels. As a middle schooler, she found Nancy Drew books thrilling, and then she went on to authors such as Agatha Christie and Mary Stewart. Today, she likes Dee Henderson, Irene Hannon, Kristen Heitzman and many other indie and traditional authors in Christian fiction.

Linda gave her life to Christ at twenty-six and discovered the miraculous love and existence Jesus has to offer. Her life has not always been easy, but has always included joy, laughter, and love. God’s “instruction manual,” she says, is life-altering!

After becoming a Christian, Linda lead prayer and women’s groups at her church. She worked with Concerned Women for America, and for five years as  a Center Director for the Pregnancy Center of Pinellas County. Later, she volunteered  with a Tampa/Clearwater task force against human trafficking for eight years. 

Linda’s first book placed as a finalist in the American Christian Fiction Genesis Contest and encouraged her to keep writing. She is still a member with ACFW, and with Word Weavers International and many online/faceook Christian writers’ groups.

She and her husband now live in Tennessee. They have two grown sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law, and six wonderful grandchildren.

9 thoughts on “About Me

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    1. I like your picture…and I enjoyed reading about you and your passions. Human trafficking gripped my heart too, after seeing several pastor’s clips of what is going on under our noses…it really makes me mad and breaks my heart. I like what you said about johns too. I never thought of them that way, as the victims too. I guess when you think of it, everyone involved is really a victim of one sort or another. The enemy is behind all of it ultimately. I’d love to hear you speak sometime. I haven’t really gotten to know you at WW, but I’d love to. I’m going to put you in my favorites. You go girl! Enjoy your trip and your son. I hope to see you in November. Love, Kathryn Howard

  1. Hi Linda. Do you have any ministries that deal with the sex traffic epidemic that you think would be good to support?


    Brett Vahue

    1. In the Tampa Bay area, there a quite a few. The Clearwater/Tampa Bay Task Force and the Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking are the ones I’m involved with. Look on their website or fb/message me and I will give you a couple of phone numbers. Also 2Boards/3Nails 2B3N. World Vision in the area works with trafficking victims. Bridging Freedom is another one. Pathways Community Church in Largo. Their church is really involved and law enforcement will often bring victims there because they know who to contact for help.

  2. I am excited to have found you and your books. I’m trying to remember how I came across Amber Alert but I can’t remember lol. I also write christian romance (though not suspenseful, That takes skill ha!. I’ve just started the Dangerous Series. So far very nicely done. I look forward to reading more of your blog.

  3. Thank you for your writing but most of all for you work against human trafficking. Fifty + years ago when no one understood this issue my mother trafficked me from age 6 to 14 to my uncle and his friends so I know the damage it does. I’m only here today because of God’s amazing grace and love.

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